Every woman has vaginal discharge. Healthy discharge is not only completely normal, but also necessary. And, if you’re wondering why you have so much vaginal discharge, you may be surprised to know that most women produce about a half to one teaspoon of vaginal discharge every day.
Healthy clear or white vaginal discharge carries away bacteria to keep your vagina clean, lubricated and protected. Vaginal discharge may change in pregnancy or over your menstrual cycle. For example, your vaginal discharge may smell different just after your period.
Some types, like yellow vaginal discharge, can be a sign that something is wrong. A vaginal infection will alter the look and smell of your discharge. Here’s the rundown on what’s normal, what’s not, plus what to do if you’re at all concerned.
Is white or clear vaginal discharge normal?
The colour of normal vaginal discharge is clear or white. Healthy discharge can feel thick and sticky or wet and stretchy. What’s normal varies between people, over time and in different situations. You’ve probably noticed your discharge changing slightly depending on your time of the month.
Discharge gets clearer, wetter and stretchier around the time you ovulate, usually a couple of weeks before your period starts. It can also look and feel different if you’re pregnant, when you’re aroused or if you’re taking the pill or other hormonal contraceptives. You may produce more discharge too at these times. As you approach menopause, and your levels of the hormone oestrogen fall, you may find you may have less discharge. You may produce less when you’re breastfeeding too.
What should my vaginal discharge smell like?
Healthy discharge can smell slightly musky or sweaty but not unpleasant. The smell can vary slightly, depending on what good bacteria you have in your vagina. Healthy smells include:
- tangy or sour, like fermented foods
- sweet
- coppery or metallic, like an old penny. It’s common for your vaginal discharge to smell like this for a few days after your period
Exercise and what you eat and drink can affect how your discharge smells. It will also smell different after sex.
Is my vaginal discharge a sign of an infection?
While healthy vaginal discharge can vary from day to day, if it smells, looks or feels very different, it could be a sign of an infection. If this is the case, you might also be itchy, sore or in pain, especially when you wee. Bleeding in between periods or after sex can be another sign that you need to get checked out.
Abnormal discharge is usually caused by an infection, but it doesn’t have to be sexually transmitted. In fact, the most common reason for abnormal discharge is when the healthy bacteria in your vagina goes out of balance. This can happen for lots of reasons and can make your vagina feel sore or itchy.
Here’s what your vaginal discharge could be telling you.
What does greyish vaginal discharge mean?
If you have thin, greyish white discharge that smells fishy, but you don’t feel itchy or sore, you may have bacterial vaginosis. This is the most common vaginal infection. It isn’t a sexually transmitted infection (STI) but can be brought on by having sex which then changes the balance of bacteria in your vagina. The same thing also often happens when you’ve used too much soap or other products on your vagina. Spermicide can sometimes upset your vagina’s natural balance too.
What does thick, lumpy, white vaginal discharge mean?
White discharge that doesn’t smell but has the texture of curds or cottage cheese is a sign of thrush (candidiasis), which is sometimes called a yeast infection. Your vulva or genital area may also be itchy or sore. This is another problem that happens because the natural balance of your vagina is disturbed.
What is yellow vaginal discharge a sign of?
Fishy-smelling, yellowy green frothy discharge could be a sign of trichomoniasis, which is an STI. You may also be itchy, sore and in pain when you wee. You may produce more vaginal discharge than usual, and you may be swollen around your vagina. Your inner thighs can also be itchy.
What does brown vaginal discharge mean?
Rusty brown vaginal discharge is most likely to happen at the beginning and end of your period. This is nothing to worry about, it’s just normal blood that has taken a little longer to come out.
You may get some rusty brown blood spotting too if you’re just started the pill or another contraceptive that affects your hormones, but this should only be temporary. If you’re at all worried about spotting, do see your doctor.
What does bleeding between periods mean?
If you have abnormal bleeding (bleeding in between periods or after sex) you may have cervicitis, which is an inflammation of the cervix. Cervicitis can make weeing or sex painful too. Abnormal bleeding and deep pain in your lower tummy could be pelvic inflammatory disease. Both these conditions can be caused by the STI chlamydia or occasionally gonorrhea.
What else can cause smelly vaginal discharge?
Abnormal discharge can also be caused by your body reacting to something you’ve left inside, like a forgotten tampon or condom. A forgotten condom will also make your discharge smell bad because of all the unhealthy bacteria.
How will my abnormal vaginal discharge be treated?
If you’re worried your vaginal discharge has changed for whatever reason, we can help. We won’t judge you and anything you tell us will be confidential.
Make an appointment at one of our clinics so we can find out about your symptoms. We may also do a quick examination if needed to make sure you get the right treatment.
We’ll prescribe the right medicine so you can get better. It will usually be a cream or some tablets. You’ll also be given access to our contact Centre so you’ll know who to go to if you have any follow-up questions or further worries.
Don’t try to treat your problem at home. It could make your symptoms worse.
If a forgotten object like a condom is stuck and you can’t remove it yourself, we can also help. Don’t be embarrassed, this isn’t uncommon and our team will have seen it before.
All these conditions are common and treatable but it’s important not to ignore them. The earlier you talk to us, the easier it will be to treat any condition you might have and the quicker you’ll be on the way to being better.
If it turns out you have an STI then you’ll need to tell anyone you’ve recently had sex with so they can get tested and treated as well.